The Dutch East in India: A Forgotten Chapter of Colonialism (17th century)

The Dutch East in India: A Forgotten Chapter of Colonialism (17th century) Introduction The Dutch colonial project in India, though overshadowed by the British and Portuguese, weaves a rich tapestry of economic, social, and cultural exchanges that vividly characterize the subcontinent’s experience in the 17th and 18th centuries. With the establishment of the Dutch East India … Read more

Tranquebar Tales: Denmark’s Forgotten Gateway to India (17th century)

Tranquebar Tales: Denmark’s Forgotten Gateway to India (17th century) Introduction Indian history is more often than not narrated through the experiences of the British, Portuguese, and Dutch. Though not very audible, the Danes made up an important but relatively low-profile part of Indian history, particularly during the 17th and 18th centuries. The Danish East India … Read more

Jahangir’s Vision: Art, Power, and the Legacy of the Mughal Empire (1605 to 1627)

Jahangir’s Vision: Art, Power, and the Legacy of the Mughal Empire (1605 to 1627) Jahangir was the fourth Mughal emperor, ruling between 1605 and 1627. He is an important figure in Indian history. His reign was the continuation of policies offered by his very illustrious father, Akbar, yet he too had clearly defined characteristics running … Read more