The Vernacular Press Act of 1878: A Colonial Clampdown on Freedom of Expression

The Vernacular Press Act of 1878: A Colonial Clampdown on Freedom of Expression The Vernacular Press Act was an ordinance introduced by the British colonial government of India to suppress dissent and control the vernacular or native language press. A set of exhaustive points detailing the history background of the act, reasons for introducing, implications … Read more

Quit India Movement: The Best Chapter of Struggle towards Indian Freedom 1942–1943

Quit India Movement: The Best Chapter of Struggle towards Indian Freedom 1942–1943 The Quit India Movement is important because it occurred during August 1942 and was a turning point in India’s struggle to gain independence from British rule. It was a peak time of national fervour wherein the Indian people reflected on their will to … Read more

The First Round Table Conference and India’s Quest for Freedom 1930

The First Round Table Conference and India’s Quest for Freedom 1930 The First Round Table Conference, held in 1930, was a significant event in the India struggle for independence against British rule. The conference was held in London and provided the platform where British officials and leaders from Indian political, religious, and social groups could … Read more

Causes, Events and Consequences of the Revolt of 1857

The Revolt of 1857, generally called the Sepoy Mutiny or the First War of Indian Independence, is a turning point in Indian history. Many factors in social, economic, political and military matters combined to lead to this revolt against British colonial power. Naturally, the outcome of this revolt would define a defining moment – ​​it … Read more