Governors and Viceroys of India:- Legacies of Power: A Comprehensive Look at India’s Governors and Viceroys 1200 Words

Legacies of Power: A Comprehensive Look at India’s Governors and Viceroys 1200 Words The role of Governor-Generals and Viceroys played a crucial role in determining the course of British colonial rule between the late 18th century and the mid-20th century. Though they were not administrative heads in the real sense of the term, they had … Read more

Causes, Events and Consequences of the Revolt of 1857

The Revolt of 1857, generally called the Sepoy Mutiny or the First War of Indian Independence, is a turning point in Indian history. Many factors in social, economic, political and military matters combined to lead to this revolt against British colonial power. Naturally, the outcome of this revolt would define a defining moment – ​​it … Read more