Cripps Mission of 1942: Between Compromise and Conflict

Cripps Mission of 1942: Between Compromise and Conflict The Cripps Mission of 1942 is one of the major incidents in the Indian struggle against British rule. It was a mission that was formulated after Sir Stafford Cripps, a well-known British politician of the Labour Party, had visited India in search of finding a friendly solution … Read more

Unity in Diversity: The Moderate Congress’s Journey Towards a New India (1885-1905)

Unity in Diversity: The Moderate Congress’s Journey Towards a New India (1885-1905) Introduction The Indian National Congress (INC) emerged in 1885, which marked the beginning of ‘Organized Political Activity’ aimed towards self-governance for India. In fact, the period from 1885 to 1905 itself is referred to as the “Moderate Congress” Period. The very nature of … Read more