Warriors of the Carnatic: The Epic Power Struggle Between Europe and India (18th century)

Warriors of the Carnatic: The Epic Power Struggle Between Europe and India (18th century) The Carnatic Wars were a series of three military wars that saw battles between the British East India Company and the French East India Company in the 18th century. These wars took place during the period of decline of the Mughal … Read more

Battles of Panipat: Blood, Honor, and Destiny in 1500 Words

Battles of Panipat: Blood, Honor, and Destiny Introduction Perhaps the Battles of Panipat are the most decisive and momentous military conflicts in Indian history. The three battles marked three different centuries, and they forever changed Indian political history, leaving significant marks on the subcontinent’s cultural, military, and socio-political landscape long afterward. All these battles were … Read more